Tuesday 12 June 2012

Valentine's day

He listens to me very carefully. He pays attention to what I say. He gives me goods advices, always full of goodness and maturity. He has paxion, he is a dreamer. He is carinhoso. He gives me 5 beijinhos per second. He takes me to eat out every day. He pays attention when Im eating too much. He takes care of me when Im feeling sick. He never fight with me and he is very patient with my bossy way of be. He is still shy as if it was the first day. He has big eyes and like looking at mine very close. He likes watching to cheesy serious on TV with me. He lets me decide what movie we will watch (because of that sometimes I let him decide too. Haha). He does not let me cross the limits with anything and makes clear when im acting immature. He is comprehensible and always tries to understand my side, even - and more - when im wrong. He likes my friends and family. We are together for 2 years and I have never heard him saying bad things about anyone. He is not judgmental at all. He is sweet. He is friendly and respectful and smart. He likes videos, simpsons and guitars. He is kind and he is damn handsome. My “peruvian God”, I use to say. Sometime I caught myself thinking how lucky I am. And I'm in love with us.

And when distance makes things hard, we know in our hearts this situation is our Everest Monatain and that we won't give up. We will get to that top.

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